Seafarer Application Form

It is a common knowledge that a successful maritime career starts with an elaborated Seafarer Application Form. Every trip is preceded by its submission or filling out; the CV contains the essential information about your documents, experience and certificates; key personal and medical details.

Therefore, while searching for a job at sea, select a high-quality seafarers CV and complete correctly and thoroughly. Do note that these forms differ by the type of vessel, so you can download the one for offshore or tanker fleet as well as a general CV that will be suitable for any type of vessel, but provides only customary information. On the contrary, the dedicatedseafarer’s CVs contain special fields for a DP Log Book or industry certificates, for instance. Candidates just need to enter their details there.

We have collected the best examples of cv for seaman to download here. Use the type of resume that suits you and fill it out with care:

  1. Apply a suitable picture. Please remember that your resume is a document as well, so the photo must be appropriate. Do not ignore this point since crewing managers will always prefer a candidate’s CV with a photo against an anonymous resume.
  2. Fill in your personal details carefully. The more contacts are indicated, the easier it is to contact you; the more information there is about your place of residence, the easier it is for the company to build the logistics of your joining, etc.
  3. The “Experience” section plays a key role in a seafarer application form. Spend some time filling out as many contracts as possible to provide the employer with a comprehensive overview of your working experience.
    Engineers should definitely state not only vessels, but also engine types and power of engines they’ve worked with. Meanwhile, offshore seafarers can just indicate the time they’ve spent on a particular vessel instead of listing each and every contract separately.
  4. The document and certificate section of cv application form for seafarers also deserves a close attention. Crewing managers tend to make a selection based on the set of certificates in a situation when there are several candidates with a similar experience.
    Be precise and include all your industry certificates, available visas and endorsements; these may become the factors that tip the scales in your favor.
  5. Tell more about yourself in the "About You" section. A few pertinent phrases about the acquired skills, your personal traits and some valuable experience will be a nice finishing touch to your professional seafarer’s portrait.